E. Brulé, K. Spiel. Negotiating Gender and Disability Identities in Participatory Design. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies – Transforming Communities (C&T ’19). Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award, 218-227 (2019)
K. Spiel, E. Brulé, C. Frauenberger, G. Bailley, G. Fitzpatrick, “Micro-Ethics for Participatory Design with Marginalised Children”, Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference: Full Papers – Volume 1 (PDC ’18) 1, 17 (2018).
C. Frauenberger, J. Makhaeva, K. Spiel, “Blending Methods: Developing Participatory Design Sessions for Autistic Children”, Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’17), 39-49 (2017).
K. Spiel, L. Malinverni, J. Good, C. Frauenberger, “Participatory Evaluation with Autistic Children”, Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’17) Honorable Mention, 5755-5766 (2017).
K. Spiel, E. Brulé. Curious and Dangerous – Nonbinary Identities in Participatory Design. In: National Center for Institutional Diversity – Medium. June 2019.
K. Spiel, C. Frauenberger, L. Scheepmaker, I. Posch. Negotiating Marginalised Identities in and through Participatory Design. In PDC’18 Workshop on Identification as Process in Participatory Design (2018)
C. Frauenberger, L. Scheepmaker, K. Spiel. Building Half-Houses. In PDC’18 Workshop on Infrastructuring in PD: What does infrastructuring look like? When does it look like that? (2018)
L. Scheepmaker, C. Frauenberger, K. Spiel. Exploring Roles of Technology in Co-Design Activities. In PDC’18 Workshop Giving a Voice Through Design – Adapting Design Methods to Ensure the Participation of People with Communication Difficulties (2018)
K. Spiel, C. Frauenberger, J. Makhaeva, F. Kayali. Talking about Myself – Playful Inquiry into an Absent Life World. In CHI’16 Workshop on Games as HCI-Method. (2016)