Framing Lenses – My Defence

Monday, November 10, 2014, I have successfully defended my master’s thesis and can now call myself M.Sc. That is great and of course I want to share this with the world. So, my full thesis can be found here and it’s a great read, but I do understand if that is too much for you. …

Pytris – A Python Script for Testing Tetris Algorithms

In another post, I explained a probably non exhaustive list of the different types of Choosing Blocks Algorithms that might exist for Tetris.  Here I explain Pytris, a script that has the logging abilities for research into the algorithms.  This is part of my ongoing Master’s Thesis Project.  If you’re interested in the source code, just contact me! …

Different Tetris Algorithms

I am currently writing my Master’s thesis and using Tetris as a game of reference.  In a pre-test I needed a quick version of Tetris, that records a lot of the interaction and tests different algorithms for choosing blocks.  Before I present the resulting implementation (Pytris), I want to briefly talk about algorithms that choose …