Subjectivity in Mathematics – Implications of Richard Buckminster Fuller’s Energetic Geometry

I compare Euclidean and Energetic Geometry to show how there is a set of mathematical languages, which are subjected to interpretation. This theoretical exercise provides deeper insights into the agendas and world views mathematical concepts carry and deconstruct the presumed ‘neutral’ or ‘objective’ stance that is largely attributed to them.

Person-First or Identity-First?

When I started my PhD, I was occupied for several months with almost exclusively the question on whether I would say “autistic people” or “people with autism.” Before I say more, you should know that I do not identify as autistic myself – albeit disabled – but grew up with an autistic sibling. I stumbled …

Vortrag Digitale Emanzipation – 20. Mai 2014 in Ilmenau

— Disclaimer: Since the talk was requested in German and my slides are also all German, I omitt a translation as long as no one is asking for it — Letzten Dienstag hat mich die Initiative Solidarische Welt Ilmenau (ISWI e.V.) zu einem Vortrag zu ‘Datenschutz und Bürgerrechte’ eingeladen.  Der Titel war vorgegeben.  Wir ihr an …

Defense for Out of Sight

This is what I talked about in my defense to obtain the academic degree ‘Bachelor of Science’ in the field of Media Systems at the Bauhaus-University of Weimar (I started there the last year the programme was available, so there is no easy way to link to the actual programme I did.). The slides can …