EROC 2017 Workshop ‘Announcers – Your greatest promotional weapon’

At EROC 2017, the European Roller Derby Organizational Conference, at the end of January in Berlin, I had the great pleasure to attend a workshop talking more generally about announcing. It was held by sMACklemore, an independent announcer, who did little events as tournament head announcer such as the Men’s World Cup in Calgary 2016 …

Fancy Sweatbands

This pattern was mostly an experiment with a multicoloured Wollmeise yarn I had still lying around. But hey, why not have a fancy sweatband! You need about 25g of fingering yarn and 2.5 mm double-pointed needles. Multicoloured yarn adds the nice colour-effect. Abbreviations: k — knit p — purl k2tbl — knit 2 stitches through …

On Reviewing and Receiving Reviews

Evaluation is not just a matter of threading a judgement through a procedure, but also of characterizing the quality of something. — Stefan Hirschauer: Editorial Judgements Double-blind peer review is one of the pillars of the scientific apparatus. Many manuscripts are evaluated by their peers before they are being published in order to ensure quality …

Person-First or Identity-First?

When I started my PhD, I was occupied for several months with almost exclusively the question on whether I would say “autistic people” or “people with autism.” Before I say more, you should know that I do not identify as autistic myself – albeit disabled – but grew up with an autistic sibling. I stumbled …


For two years now I have been a PhD student with the OutsideTheBox project, in which we co-design technologies with autistic children. Our prototypes are supposed to make sense in the children’s lives and enable them to share the positive experiences they make with the technologies. My PhD work focuses on the experiences the children …