Berlin Nightfall

I had the chance to stay briefly in Berlin last week and then I had furthermore the chance to have dinner high above the rooftops.  At twilight, I shot these pictures and even though that has been done by a phone camera, I think they are worth sharing.   [BMo_scrollGallery id=13 sG_thumbPosition=bottom sG_images=1 duration=slow gallery_width=600 …

Vortrag Digitale Emanzipation – 20. Mai 2014 in Ilmenau

— Disclaimer: Since the talk was requested in German and my slides are also all German, I omitt a translation as long as no one is asking for it — Letzten Dienstag hat mich die Initiative Solidarische Welt Ilmenau (ISWI e.V.) zu einem Vortrag zu ‘Datenschutz und Bürgerrechte’ eingeladen.  Der Titel war vorgegeben.  Wir ihr an …

Liste studentisch relevanter Anträge und Anfragen

Fraktion von BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN in Weimar Legislatur 2009-2014 09.09.09, DS 346/2009, Antrag: Abhängung Weimars vom Fernverkehr (Studierende nutzen häufig den Zug, um nach Hause zu fahren) (beschlossen; Sachstandsbericht am 16.02.2010 in schriftlicher Form an alle Stadträte) 09.09.09, DS 347/2009, Anfrage zum Radweg nach Schöndorf (Studierende fahren auch oft mit dem Rad) 01.09.10, DS 141/2010, …

Saizou – the Piggy – Pattern!

A few months ago I had a request for a piggy that should also look a certain way – specifically, this way: Initially, I thought I’d work my way through some pig pattern, but then I modified it so heavily, that the new pattern calls for publication. I used bulky yarn (GGH Camello in pink …

Art on Walls in Prague – September ’13

[BMo_scrollGallery id=9 sG_thumbPosition=bottom sG_images=1 duration=slow gallery_width=600 gallery_height=400 thumbs_width=100 thumbs_height=100 sG_caption=1 sG_start=1 sG_loop=1 sG_loopThumbs=1 sG_clickable=1 sG_opacity=40 sG_area=200 sG_scrollSpeed=2 sG_autoScroll=1 sG_aS_stopOnOver=1 sG_diashowDelay=0 sG_followImages=1 sG_responsive=1 ]

Random Things in Prague – September 2013

[BMo_scrollGallery id=8 sG_thumbPosition=bottom sG_images=1 duration=slow gallery_width=600 gallery_height=400 thumbs_width=100 thumbs_height=100 sG_caption=1 sG_start=1 sG_loop=1 sG_loopThumbs=1 sG_clickable=1 sG_opacity=40 sG_area=200 sG_scrollSpeed=2 sG_autoScroll=1 sG_aS_stopOnOver=1 sG_diashowDelay=0 sG_followImages=1 sG_responsive=1 ]