CHI 2019 Cowl Knitting Pattern

This year’s theme for CHI is ‘Weaving the Threads of CHI’, inviting us to see the connections between different strands of research and how they connect the field. To provide the community with an opportunity to reflect on how different aspects of the field come together to create something each of them could not do …

Presentation and Journal Paper: Evaluating Experiences of Autistic Children with Technologies.

Last year in Barcelona, I have given a talk about how I plan to evaluate the experiences of autistic children with technologies. You can find the slides for the talk here. They also allow a unique glimpse into a preliminary state of what was later becoming my paper at the International Journal of Child Computer …

Subjectivity in Mathematics – Implications of Richard Buckminster Fuller’s Energetic Geometry

I compare Euclidean and Energetic Geometry to show how there is a set of mathematical languages, which are subjected to interpretation. This theoretical exercise provides deeper insights into the agendas and world views mathematical concepts carry and deconstruct the presumed ‘neutral’ or ‘objective’ stance that is largely attributed to them.

On Reviewing and Receiving Reviews

Evaluation is not just a matter of threading a judgement through a procedure, but also of characterizing the quality of something. — Stefan Hirschauer: Editorial Judgements Double-blind peer review is one of the pillars of the scientific apparatus. Many manuscripts are evaluated by their peers before they are being published in order to ensure quality …

Person-First or Identity-First?

When I started my PhD, I was occupied for several months with almost exclusively the question on whether I would say “autistic people” or “people with autism.” Before I say more, you should know that I do not identify as autistic myself – albeit disabled – but grew up with an autistic sibling. I stumbled …


For two years now I have been a PhD student with the OutsideTheBox project, in which we co-design technologies with autistic children. Our prototypes are supposed to make sense in the children’s lives and enable them to share the positive experiences they make with the technologies. My PhD work focuses on the experiences the children …

Framing Lenses – My Defence

Monday, November 10, 2014, I have successfully defended my master’s thesis and can now call myself M.Sc. That is great and of course I want to share this with the world. So, my full thesis can be found here and it’s a great read, but I do understand if that is too much for you. …

Pytris – A Python Script for Testing Tetris Algorithms

In another post, I explained a probably non exhaustive list of the different types of Choosing Blocks Algorithms that might exist for Tetris.  Here I explain Pytris, a script that has the logging abilities for research into the algorithms.  This is part of my ongoing Master’s Thesis Project.  If you’re interested in the source code, just contact me! …

Different Tetris Algorithms

I am currently writing my Master’s thesis and using Tetris as a game of reference.  In a pre-test I needed a quick version of Tetris, that records a lot of the interaction and tests different algorithms for choosing blocks.  Before I present the resulting implementation (Pytris), I want to briefly talk about algorithms that choose …

Talk ‘Surveil and Calculate’ at XII Conference on Culture and Computer Science

In May I was at the XII Conference on Culture and Computer Science in Berlin and gave this talk when it was accepted as a contribution to the conference by a peer reviewed abstract.  That was also my first conference ever at which I was talking, so I was a little nervous. However it worked …